
Powderline - freeriders website

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Step Forward

Step Forward

Insert: 04.03.2013
After 3days’ trip in Tauplitz we were so excited for the fresh pow so we told our selves after 4 days of the rest to go again but this time to Arlberg. Responsibility was set for individual roles divided as follow: me, David and Fony are riders, photographer was Grobe. Task was quite clear. Shoot as many high quality photos for YMLI as possible. Sometimes it feels like we really taking this too far, but powder and mountains are such terrible addiction and nearly all goes aside when it comes to riding. Good thing we're all the same.


photo: Grobe rider: Martin
photo: Grobe rider: Fony
photo: Grobe rider: David
photo: Grobe rider: David
photo: Grobe rider: Martin
photo: Grobe rider: David
photo: Grobe rider: Fony
photo: Grobe rider: Martin
photo: Grobe rider: Martin
photo: Grobe rider: Fony
photo: Grobe rider: Martin
photo: Grobe rider: Martin
photo: Grobe rider: David
photo: Grobe rider: Fony
photo: Grobe rider: Fony
photo: Grobe rider: Martin
photo: Grobe rider: David
photo: Grobe rider: Fony
photo: Grobe rider: Martin
photo: Grobe rider: Fony
photo: Grobe rider: David
photo: Grobe rider: David
photo: Grobe rider: Martin
photo: Grobe rider: Martin
photo: Grobe rider: Martin
photo: Grobe rider: Fony
photo: Grobe rider: Grobe
photo: Grobe rider: David
photo: Grobe rider: David , Martin , Fony
photo: Grobe rider: David , Martin , Fony
photo: Grobe rider: Fony
photo: Grobe rider: Martin
photo: Grobe rider: Fony
photo: Grobe rider: Martin
photo: Grobe rider: Martin a Fony
photo: Grobe rider: Martin
photo: Grobe rider: David , Martin , Fony
photo: Grobe rider: David , Martin , Fony
photo: Grobe
photo: Grobe
photo: Grobe
photo: Grobe
photo: Grobe
photo: Grobe rider: Martin
photo: Grobe rider: Martin
photo: Grobe rider: Fony
photo: Grobe rider: Fony
photo: Grobe rider: Fony
photo: Grobe rider: David , Martin , Fony
OAeV - Alpenverein

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